Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Firsts, Part 2: same day, different story

I'm sitting at church, my kiddos are in their Wednesday night programs, I'm all settled into a comfy couch, iPad out, ready to blog... And I realized I left the wireless keyboard sitting at home. Since it is hugely difficult to use blogger with the on-screen keyboard, I'll have to keep it brief tonight. :-(

SOOOOO... On to the next first, if that makes any sense...

After we got Lamb off to school, I took Monkey in for his kindergarten assessment, which ended just in time for us to grab lunch with Lamb--yay! The rest of the day went on as normal, until just before bedtime. I was giving Lamb her piano lesson and Mr. Fantastic was playing Go Fish with Monkey, when I heard, "It fell out! It fell out!!!" And sure enough, Monkey came running over, holding his tooth in his hand! He has been wiggling and wiggling that tooth for weeks--and truth be told, I think he was hoping it would fall out at school, but he was still quite excited. :-)

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