Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Before Roo's nap today, I pulled out a picture book about farm animals and said, "There's the cow! What does the cow say?"

And Roo said................. (Are you ready for this?!?)................. "Moo!"

I turned the page and said, "Oh look at the sheep! What does the sheep say?"

And he said.............................................. "Baa!"

WHAT?!?!? I tried this a few times, and he got it EVERY TIME.

Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooray! I am one excited mama!!!!

Have I mentioned that we celebrate EVERY milestone in this house?

In fact, I think I need to go bake something sweet now.........

1 comment:

Becca said...

That's awesome!! I always tell people that our kids are stealth learners. They learn and store up tons of information on the sly, then BANG, shock us with everything when we least expect it!! :-)