Tuesday, January 31, 2012

24 hours

Has your husband ever asked, "What exactly did you DO today?" Have you ever wondered that yourself? Well, here's a brief look at my past 24 hours.

In the last day, I...
  • folded 15 loads of laundry
  • went to Lowe's with my hubby to pick out new tile for our bathroom
  • handled (or tried to handle) some small fires that popped up with a new ministry that I am leading at church
  • made a nice dinner (meatloaf, twice-baked potatoes, salad, and oranges)
  • cleaned the kitchen twice
  • cleaned/dusted my first floor
  • washed all of the linens on my bed (because the dog had peed on them...) and made the bed
  • bathed three children
  • put three children to bed
  • spent a total of 1 1/2 hours in the bathroom with the shower running, trying to steam away Roo's croup (divided into 5 segments)
  • drove most of the way to our local children's hospital in the middle of the night, only to find that Roo's breathing had returned to normal and he was fast asleep, then driven back home. (This was after the 3rd steam session. We had two more later that night.)
  • got up after 2-3 hours of sporadic sleep
  • got 2 kids ready for school
  • showered
  • dropped 2 big kids off at two different schools
  • drove 20 minutes to a story time that I was supposed to lead, then dumped it all on two of my follow leadership team members because I had a croupy baby in the van (Thank you, ladies, for doing such a fabulous job!)
  • bought last-minute supplies for Monkey's upcoming 5th birthday and our upcoming vacation
  • loaded up on caffeine at Starbucks (Chai tea latte = Something that I never should have tried = Something that I'm going to be trying a LOT more often)
  • took Roo to the doctor, where she brilliantly concluded that he has croup (gee, I'm so glad I'm paying you big money to tell me that) and gave him a dose of oral steroids (for which I AM very thankful)
  • picked Monkey up from a friend's house, after she was gracious enough to pick him up from preschool for me
  • treated my very special and patient Monkey to McDonald's for lunch (which we got from the drive-through and took home, since Roo was not up for a restaurant)
  • put two tired boys in bed for naps
  • got fantastic news that we scored last-minute reservations at Cinderella's castle for our upcoming trip to Disneyworld--in two weeks! (TOTALLY made my day)
And yeah... really, that's about it. And although the specifics change from day to day, it seems like this is the way that every day has been going lately. Non.Stop.

In fact, right now my whole body is shaking, and I'm not sure if it's from a lack of sleep or a surplus of caffeine... or both.

Roo's breathing is much better, by the way, but his fever (which was 102 last night, but of course completely gone when we were at the doctor's office) seems to be coming back. I'm praying that it goes away quickly and everybody is healthy for this weekend, when we celebrate Monkey's 5th birthday--twice! :-)

So what's new with you?


Unknown said...

I am tired just reading about your day! holy smokes! I may need a whole bunch more coffee! or a massage! my hubby thinks his day is always harder, stressful, busier then mine! but we all now why our households work! smiles

CMSavage6 said...

That's a lot to squeeze into a day. You needed all that caffeine, if not more. Have a fun weekend, hopefully Too will feel much better.